The blue zones have been studied a great deal by longevity experts. However, they aren’t the only places on the map that have laid claim to longevity. Vilcabamba, Ecuador is one such place. While this valley of longevity is not a blue zone, it is certainly a place worth exploring. With a history of being the playground of the Incas, Vilcabamba is a remote spot where a high percentage of the population is documented supercentenarians in amazing health. One can’t help but wonder, what’s their lifestyle?
Highest Concentration of Exceptionally Old People
Tucked away in the Andean slopes of Ecuador, lies the quiet and picturesque village of Vilcabamba. It has a reputation for being home to one of the highest concentrations of exceptionally old people. That includes numerous centenarians. A number of residents apparently reaching 140 years.
Create Your Own Valley of Longevity
Chance are slim that you will move to Vilcabamba! However, following the principles of The 100 Year Lifestyle will empower you to make your home and lifestyle more conducive to a greater quality of life and longevity. Create your own Vilcabamba by:
- First, you can begin by calculating your M-PYR, minimum potential years remaining.
- Then, take the 100 Year Lifestyle Assessment and learn what your score means.
- Next download and try some of the recipes including the detox, paleo, or vegan options.
- Certainly, schedule an appointment with one of our 100 Year Lifestyle providers.
- In addition, learn about your finances and longevity and create a 100 Year Balance Sheet.
- Also, learn about how family and other relationships can be developed to support your quality of life as you age. It’s important to have multiple circles and not just one.
Remember, your longevity potential is not borrowed time. It is birthright time. If you have aging parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents who have outlived their elders, the same will very possibly be true for you.
Enjoy the journey every step of the way by implementing these strategies. You’ll be glad you did!
Find out more about the secrets of Vilcabamba? Read about them for yourself.