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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Category: Featured

Family 100

Parents and 100 Year Decisions

    Being a parent has never been an easy job. Filled with life’s greatest joys, it is also filled with life’s greatest responsibilities. As

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Limber for Life

    We all know that being fit is important for every stage of life. Whether you swim, walk, play pickleball, or garden, moving your

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True Contentment

    It was Oscar Wilde who said that “true contentment is not having everything, but in being satisfied with everything you have.” For many

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Music of Life

    You walk into a crowded store, a certain song is playing, and you relax. Traffic jams aren’t so bad when your favorite song

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Longevity Economy

    The world is witnessing a revolution. As life expectancy increases and birth rates decline, a significant shift is taking place in the global

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Unplugging for Wellness

    The first smartphone-like device was the IBM Simon available to the public in late 1993, before the term “smartphone” existed. A short 4

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The Best Time to Plant a Tree

    Regardless of your current age, you’ve lived long enough to know that each passing year offers the opportunity to reflect on our growth,

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Where Our Happiness Lies

    Building your ideal 100 Year Lifestyle means building a life full of health and happiness. But for many the question is, how is

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Toxic Productivity

    We all have friends who just can’t slow down. They’re always busy with too many things on their plate. Just watching them is

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That’s NEAT!

    NEAT. It stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, and it encompasses all the calories burned through non-exercise movements we make doing day to day

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Decisions! Decisions!

    Decisions! Decisions! It’s a humorous phrase used when someone is having difficulty making a decision, often about something relatively unimportant. However, the fact

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Lionhearted Mother

    Lionhearted Mother The fear of failure is a pressing issue, and when it is present, it weighs down every aspect of life. It

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A Legacy of Healing

    In the world of chiropractic care, few families are as known for their heritage and commitment as the Stucky family. Hailing from this

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Build Habits Better

    A habit is defined as a settled or regular tendency or practice. Humans are described as creatures of habit. The reality is that

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Do Not Disturb

    Today most of us find we are on call for our work 24/7. Whether it’s by phone, text, or email, we’re constantly tethered

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The Brain, Spine, and Gravity

    If you think that bodybuilders don’t need healthy brains and chess master’s don’t need strong spines, you’re wrong. In fact, in 1981, neurologist

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No Sweat

    Most people aren’t comfortable when they are sweaty. In fact, there are several negative expressions based on the idea of sweating. You could

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Take A Breath

    Our breath is an essential part of life that we often take for granted. It is a process that allows us to bring

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