If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

The 100 Year Lifestyle® Podcast

If you knew you’d live to 100
how would you change your life today?

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Navigating The New Healthcare Landscape

In this episode of The 100 Year Lifestyle Podcast, Dr. Eric Plasker talks about the new healthcare landscape with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. becoming the head of the Department of Health and Human Services. What will this mean for you and your family? What is the truth and what are the myths about RFK’s position on key, sensitive issues? How will his experience influence healthcare? How will it impact the pharmaceutical industry’s influence over doctors, the public, and overall healthcare policy. This is a pivotal moment in history and Dr. Plasker’s perspective is based on 40 years of chiropractic practice, writing bestselling books, and international speaking programs for doctors, companies, and organizations.


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The 100 Year Lifestyle® Podcast

If you knew you’d live to 100 how would you change your life today?

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