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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Category: Leadership 100


Decisions! Decisions!

    Decisions! Decisions! It’s a humorous phrase used when someone is having difficulty making a decision, often about something relatively unimportant. However, the fact

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Chiropractic Care for Employees

  Understanding Dis-ease From Another Perspective Disease is not something to be feared, but rather understood as a natural adaptation to negative stress. Many people

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Leadership 100

No Regrets?

    No regrets has become a mantra for many. There are t-shirts, emojis, the ever popular tattoos, and many, many songs that reference living

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100 Year Stories

Service Above Self

    So here’s a really interesting story – or two. Centenarian Robert “Bob” Gast from Warsaw, Indiana first appeared in a story about how

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100 Year Stories

The Elders

    The Elders are an independent group of global leaders working together for peace, justice, and human rights. You may not heard of them

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Speak the Truth
Leadership 100

Speak Up!

    At 100 Year Lifestyle, we do not believe that you should put your wisdom, experience, and passion on the shelf just because you’re

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Assessments and Surveys

Rate Your Level of Trust

In this survey, please rate your level of trust in the following governmental agencies that are changing laws to control you, your health care options,

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Leadership 100

Anti-Aging and Activism

    Most people don’t think the terms anti-aging and activism necessarily go together. But they do. We are the first generation in history that

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Leadership 100

Live an Independent Life

    If you want to live an independent life, your health should be your top priority. So many people think independence is just about

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Leadership 100

Small Town, Big Impact

  Dr. Noel Plasker’s Vision   When 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliated Chiropractor, Dr. Noel Plasker, opened his own practice over 20 years ago in Ho-Ho-Kus,

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Freedom 100

A Call for Courage

This is a call for courage To speak up, Speak out, Live large, Live loud. Not in fear and anger, Not to condemn in a

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Freedom 100

Reclaiming Your Health Freedom

  When it comes to reclaiming your health freedom, at 100 Year Lifestyle we believe that education is your best defense. It’s true that there

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Freedom 100

Celebrate the Freedom

    Happy 4th of July! Every year at this time Americans come together to celebrate the freedom we enjoy. And especially to honor those

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Change Your Life

Changing The Movie of YOU

    If you watched yourself like you were watching a movie of you, would you like what you were watching? Are you angry or

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Freedom 100

Compliance is Not Consent

  To consent is to express willingness, to give permission. To comply is to yield assent; to accord; agree, or acquiesce; to adapt one’s self;

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personal change
Leadership 100

Mastering Personal Change

    Are there things in your life that you know you need to change? Is it your health, your priorities, your habits or the

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Leadership 100

Never Again!

  Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones. John Lennon Never Again! I

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