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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Category: Lifestyle 100


Toxic Productivity

    We all have friends who just can’t slow down. They’re always busy with too many things on their plate. Just watching them is

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Decisions! Decisions!

    Decisions! Decisions! It’s a humorous phrase used when someone is having difficulty making a decision, often about something relatively unimportant. However, the fact

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Build Habits Better

    A habit is defined as a settled or regular tendency or practice. Humans are described as creatures of habit. The reality is that

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Do Not Disturb

    Today most of us find we are on call for our work 24/7. Whether it’s by phone, text, or email, we’re constantly tethered

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No Sweat

    Most people aren’t comfortable when they are sweaty. In fact, there are several negative expressions based on the idea of sweating. You could

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Take A Breath

    Our breath is an essential part of life that we often take for granted. It is a process that allows us to bring

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100 Year Stories

Living at 100%

    Amy Ettinger is living at 100%. She’s also only 49, and she’s been diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer, uterine

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What’s Your Zone?

    We’re hearing a great deal about the Blue Zones these days. In case you haven’t heard, Blue Zones are places identified by Dan

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The Power of Ritual

    Some people love rituals and ceremony. Others have no appreciation for the power of ritual whatsoever. Whatever your position, it’s a fact that

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Curiosity Killed the Cat…

    Many people have heard at least half of this old adage. The first half goes, “curiosity killed the cat.” The lesser known second

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Give it a Rest

    Fatigue is a common complaint among people of all ages these days. Even if you sleep well you might wake up feeling tired,

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100 Year Stories

First Lady of Fitness

    She predates Jane Fonda on the workout scene. Together with her husband, Jack LaLanne, they were credited as revolutionizing modern physical fitness. Today,

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Living Color

    We talk about eating the rainbow. Some people are described as “colorful characters.” Certainly, life’s black and white moments are never as enjoyable as

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Environment 100

Do One Hard Thing

    We have the Japanese to thank for the idea of misogi. It’s a purifying ritual usually involving making a pilgrimage to a freezing

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Persistence High

    Most of us are familiar with, if we haven’t experienced, a “runner’s high.” It is usually defined as a state of euphoria or

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Get a Grip

    Many believe that a firm handshake makes a good impression. Now the science is telling us that grip strength might be a better

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Change Your Life

Inherently Good

  Inherently Good The imagination is a powerful force of life. Great men and women of the past have always held their wonderful, human imagination to

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Leadership 100

No Regrets?

    No regrets has become a mantra for many. There are t-shirts, emojis, the ever popular tattoos, and many, many songs that reference living

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