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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Category: Lifestyle 100

Lifestyle 100

Your Sixth Sense

      It’s important to keep your senses stimulated. Science says we have five senses. Intuition is the sixth sense. When your five senses

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hand holding a tiny globe against mountains
Travel 100

Benefits of Travel

    As people age, it’s easy to get caught up in a complacent lifestyle. They tend to enjoy the quiet life that includes watching

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Mindfulness 100

Your Internal and External Environment

    Close your eyes and perform this visualization with me. Let’s visualize your internal and external environment. Describe and visualize your ideal environment. Begin

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Performance 100

Get Your ESS in Shape

  Getting your ESS in Shape is important for your health, quality of life and longevity, so get moving. Regular exercise is an important part

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Mindfulness 100

The IDC Mindset

    IDC stands for “I don’t care.” It’s the mindset of today. Social conditioning has brought us to an age where everything must be

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Fitness and Nutrition 100

Anti-Longevity Foods

    Eating a healthy diet can be tricky. The 100 Year Lifestyle is all about making eating healthy, eating for longevity, as easy as

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Performance 100

Get The Winning Edge

    This is an ultra-competitive world. College prep, job insecurity, sales targets, promotions, placement tests, parenting, sport performance, etc. Seeking an edge to succeed

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Fitness and Nutrition 100

The Magic of Mushrooms

    Before you get too excited, I didn’t say Magic Mushrooms. Even though mushrooms have been shown to help heal the mind, we are

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Mindfulness 100

Body Conscious or Health Conscious?

    Are you body conscious or health conscious? Unfortunately, too many people are concerned about how they look and not necessarily about their health. Perhaps

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Lifestyle 100

An XXL Vulnerability Factor

  We all know what XXL means. But what is an XXL vulnerability factor? “Statistically, people with a higher body mass index were disproportionately being

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Mindfulness 100

What is Positive Thinking?

  No doubt you’ve heard us at The 100 Year Lifestyle, and many other authors and health and wellness experts, talk about the power of

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Quality Time 100

The Power of Recommitment

    We all know the power of commitment. Think about the last time you committed yourself to something that was significant to you. Was

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Lifestyle 100

Personal Fitness or Cardiac Rehab

    Personal fitness or cardiac rehab? The difference between being on a personal fitness program and going to a cardiac rehabilitation session is quite

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Lifestyle 100

Excessive Sitting, Early Death

It’s the type of wisdom that should be embroidered on a pillow: Excessive sitting, early death. Excessive sitting is extremely unhealthy and can lead to

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Mindfulness 100

Tap Into Your Creativity

    You have to be able to see your life as active, healthy, prosperous, and fun for 100 years in order to create a

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Mindfulness 100

Are You a Delusional Masker?

  This article will identify 9 signs that you may be a Delusional Masker as outlined by a leading Pediatric and Adolescent Psychiatrist. Before we

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Performance 100

100% for 100 Years

    Wouldn’t it be great for you and your loved ones to function and perform at 100% for 100 years, your highest level throughout

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Fitness and Nutrition 100

Got Monsanto’s Glyphosate in Your Lunch?

Got Monsanto’s glyphosate in your lunch?  New test results show the presence of Glyphosate, a proven neurotoxin and the declared active chemical in Monsanto’s Roundup, to be contaminating

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woman exercising core muscles
Fitness and Nutrition 100

Core Strength and Stability Test

    Keep Your Core Strong If you want to improve the overall strength of your core and general stability, we highly recommend testing your

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Lifestyle 100

Water, Water Everywhere

    Water, water everywhere. Water is the life blood of the earth and all living things. Two-thirds of our body is made up of

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