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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Category: Lifestyle 100


US Longevity Hotspot

    If you’ve been following along you know that we have been posting on each of the Blue Zones in the world, and this

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Travel 100

A Dementia-Free Blue Zone

  Often referred to as the island where people forget to die, Ikaria, Greece is one of the five Blue Zones in the world. About

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Travel 100

The Island of Centenarians

    Kane Tanaka, the worlds oldest living person, died at 119 on April 19, 2022, in Fukuoka in western Japan. Had she been living

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100 Year Stories

Tennis Anyone?

    Tennis anyone? At 100 Year Lifestyle we’ve long advocated fresh air, sunshine, and exercise as being key components to a long and healthy

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Performance 100

Why Recurring Injuries Recur

  Recurring injuries are annoying to athletes of all ages. They are also annoying to everyday people who want to enjoy the outdoors and recreational

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Change Your Life

Eliminate Destructive Habit Patterns

    Habits and Destructive Patterns Habits and patterns are either constructive or destructive.  Here are three Destructive Habit Patterns to avoid or eliminate if

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Leadership 100

Anti-Aging and Activism

    Most people don’t think the terms anti-aging and activism necessarily go together. But they do. We are the first generation in history that

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Change Your Life

From Complacency to Passion

    There is nothing wrong with complacency on occasion. However as a habit or a lifestyle, it can erode your self-esteem and personal confidence.

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Lifestyle 100

10 Tips for Better Sleep

    It’s time we opened our eyes to the importance of good, restful sleep. It’s easy to think of sleep the way we do

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Quality Time 100

Four Healthy Holiday Tips

    If you, your family, and your friends are healthy, consider it a blessing. The opportunity to gather and enjoy each other’s company without

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Quality Time 100

Vital Vacation Tips

    Summer Time is vacation time for many of us. The kids are out of school and family trips are planned. In the world

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Quality Time 100

Timing is Everything

    Time. We measure it, live by it, spend it, give it, and sometimes waste it. Most of us wish we had more hours

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Mindfulness 100

Easy Hard or Hard Easy?

  The great philosopher Aristotle once asked, “What is the ultimate purpose of human existence?” He, among many other philosophers of his time, agreed that

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Super foods
Fitness and Nutrition 100

The Healing Season of Ayurveda

    We tend to live on auto-pilot, always on-the-go, and totally desensitized to our food, meals, and our relationship to both. It’s not your

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Olea Oliva - the 100 year lifestyle
Fitness and Nutrition 100

Turmeric At Its Roots: Ode to Olena

There is hysteria in America over too-meric, also known as turmeric. It is a rhizome – meaning lateral shoots, horizontal roots. Native to the most ancient

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The 100 year lifestyle Olives on a branch
Fitness and Nutrition 100

Why is Olive Oil So Good for You?

    Did you know that olive oil contains a powerhouse chemical property that makes it so beneficial to our health? This special compound is called

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Lifestyle 100

Something We All Want

    A world where we understand we are all part of one human family and know our lives have purpose. Isn’t that something we

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holiday fitness tips
Lifestyle 100

Holiday Fitness and Beyond

    Thanksgiving is over and the holiday fitness season has begun. Now is the time to recommit to your health and fitness to enjoy

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