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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Category: Fitness


That’s NEAT!

    NEAT. It stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, and it encompasses all the calories burned through non-exercise movements we make doing day to day

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No Sweat

    Most people aren’t comfortable when they are sweaty. In fact, there are several negative expressions based on the idea of sweating. You could

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Environment 100

Do One Hard Thing

    We have the Japanese to thank for the idea of misogi. It’s a purifying ritual usually involving making a pilgrimage to a freezing

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Persistence High

    Most of us are familiar with, if we haven’t experienced, a “runner’s high.” It is usually defined as a state of euphoria or

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Get a Grip

    Many believe that a firm handshake makes a good impression. Now the science is telling us that grip strength might be a better

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Spring Sports Injuries

    Spring is in the air and kids and adults alike are excited to get outside! Unfortunately, that also means spring sports injuries, many

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Art Form and Sport

    Tony Hawk has been quoted as saying that “skateboarding is an art form, a lifestyle, and a sport.”  Known as “Birdman” to his

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The Wim Hof Way

    At first glance, it looks like an extreme sport. On closer look, yes, professional athletes are participating, but so are people with chronic,

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Environment 100

The Science Behind Earthing

  Earthing, or grounding as it is also known, involves things that we all did as kids. Walking barefoot, laying down in the grass or

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The Core of Your Core

Everyone in the fitness world is talking about the importance of a healthy core. Your core is the center of gravity of your body. It

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Performance Based Care

Many of the top athletes and performers in the world think, train, and use chiropractic care differently. Let’s begin with their thinking. Top athletes and performers

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Try or Train

If you wanted to run a marathon how would you prepare in anticipation? Would you go out and TRY to run 26.2 miles or would you

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Why Posture Matters

  Most people don’t really understand why posture matters. Did you know that your posture today can determine your future success in business, your day-to-day

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The Triune of Triathlons

The Triune of Triathlons includes the three sports of swimming, cycling, and running. Together they create one of the most challenging and fulfilling competitions one

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Stress Less Fitness Tips

These five Stress Less Fitness tips will lessen your Stress and allow you to Live More. There is an acronym for Fitness in The 100

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