From Flexner to Kennedy: Here’s to the Next 100 Years
Most Americans are unaware that over the past century, a battle over the healthcare of the population has been waged on many fronts.
Most Americans are unaware that over the past century, a battle over the healthcare of the population has been waged on many fronts.
The high cost of prescription drug is often in the news and a major issue on many levels. Therefore, individuals, families, communities,
The trust Americans have in our government’s handling of our health care has long been a topic of conversation. It was before COVID,
Naturopathy, a holistic approach to health, has a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. In this article, we delve
If you’ve been following The 100 Year Lifestyle for any period of time, then you already know that it’s your chiropractor who has
Sally Jacobson just had a birthday party for her liver. Sally is only 78, but her liver is 100 years old. Really. If
There is a link between antidepressant use and deadly “superbugs,” (defined as a strain of bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotic drugs) according
Do you or someone you know have a child who is being considered for psychiatric drugs? If so, here is some important information that
A day and a half! That’s how long we’d have before everyone in the world would die if all the viruses suddenly disappeared,
There is a critical shortage of medical doctors. As a result, more and more people are using chiropractors for their health care leadership. According
Our world is in desperate need of health care leadership. Costs are rising into the multiples of trillions. Meanwhile, the quality of the care
Millions of people in the United States are losing their insurance coverage. With all the confusion about insurance, the concern for many Americans and
While the winter brings together family and friends, it also brings in the flu. Undoubtedly, this season will be no different. While some
When it comes to health and life expectancy, it’s valuable to compare countries and systems so that you can make choices for
When you use the word “standard” you are talking about something that has been established by authority, custom, or general consent as a
Magnesium Extraordinaire When I first learned about magnesium (Mg) in 1963, hardly anyone ever mentioned this mineral or was aware of its vital role
The Opioid crisis is one of the most damaging health crises of our era. According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control, during
People seek lifestyle chiropractic care because it works. The question is, why do medical conditions respond to chiropractic? Why Come In? Many adults come
Suicide is in the news and in more medicine chests than ever. Sadly celebrities, veterans, and ordinary people are taking their own lives at
Have you ever heard of medically unknown symptoms (MUS)? If you go to a general medical practitioner for primary care instead of a
The polypharmacy effect is bigger than you think; in fact, it is dangerous. Did you know, according to HealthReasearchFunding.org, that: Polypharmacy is responsible for a
Many believe that one of the biggest threats to public health—in fact, the next pandemic—is antimicrobial resistance. Today, the CDC lists 18 different types
Have you ever heard of the responsibility to do no harm? In our last blog post we talked about how your health freedom is not
The health industry has a history of coercion and sharing deadly medical advice. There are things that at one time the medical community claimed
There is one common question that individuals ask before they ever take a prescription drug. “What are the side effects?” Many people don’t
Have you ever taken ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) or naproxen (Aleve/Naproxen) to alleviate pain? Well if so, you are like millions of others who often
For many people, at the first sign of a fever, headache or other minor discomfort, the “go-to” remedy is acetaminophen, the active ingredient
People around the world are developing growing concerns with every shot. They realize that an optimal immune system development is essential for health.
Flu Shot marketing is in full swing. But before you blindly allow yourself or a loved one to be injected, it is important
The list of dangers for acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, just grew substantially. JAMA Pediatrics has reported that acetaminophen use by women
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