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Posture, Aging, and Emotional Health

Posture, Aging, and Emotional Health

Did you know that the health of your spine can determine your core strength, how fast you age, and the level of health you attain now and over the course of your life? It’s a fact!

Lifeline of Health

Your spine is the structural support system of your body. How it supports you can be seen in your posture, which reveals weaknesses that can progressively worsen under the stresses of daily life as you age. Because your structure, spine, and nervous system are the lifeline of health and energy to all the vital organs of your body, it is important to pay attention to your posture before severe health problems arise.

Postural distortions may look very slight on the outside. Yet they can cause rapid degeneration of your metabolism and immune system on the inside. Both systems are crucial for your overall health and vitality.  Falls, car accidents, sports trauma, and even the birth process can accelerate degeneration of the spine, lead to disability, and is a known cause of morbidity. People who have injuries or degenerative changes in their spine cannot function as well in everyday life. They do not have the same predicted life expectancy as people with a healthy structure, spine, and nervous system.

Shortened Life Span

For decades, research has shown that postural and structural weakness can cause the body to experience chronic or disabling pain, a weakened immune system, lower energy, fatigue, digestive difficulties, less satisfaction with personal relationships, and a shortened life span. In fact, as early as 1957, Dr. Freeman published findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association stating, “Aging in the spinal discs caused postural deviations leading to intestinal diverticula, hemorrhoids, varicosities of the legs, osteoporosis, hip and foot deformities, overall poor quality of health and life, as well as a shortened life span.”(1)

Attention to the spinal structure and its relation to overall health is far more common in other cultures where life expectancy is higher. Fortunately, this research is now becoming public knowledge and more valued in the western world.


The research was confirmed again in a 2005 study. It showed, “abnormal trunk deformity (posture) groups tended to score lower than the normal group with regard to subjective healthiness and life satisfaction measures, including subjective health condition, every day feeling, satisfaction with human relationship, satisfaction with economic condition and satisfaction with present life.” (2)

People with postural problems tend to be more depressed than others, experience chronic pain, have more issues with relationships and even earn lower incomes. Yes, postural distortions and a weaker spinal structure can cause less overall strength and health, and can even have a major effect on a person’s earning potential.

Accelerated Aging

An abnormal or weakened structure, spine and nervous system, subluxation, can cause accelerated aging. That can make you feel older than your chronological age and shut down the life-giving nerve supply to your organs.

A simple Posture Self Test can determine if you or a loved one may be on the road to chronic pain, disability, and accelerated aging. That includes children! A chiropractic examination and care can help find and correct the cause. Make your posture a priority and enjoy the good health and happiness you deserve for a lifetime.

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(1) Freeman JT; “Posture in the Aging and Aged Body.” JAMA 1957; 165(7)

(2) Takahashi T. Osteoporosis Int. 2005; 16 273-279

Contributed by Dr. Fred DiDomenico – Guest Writer for The 100 Year Lifestyle




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