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Concussion Movie and Reality

Concussion Movie and Reality

The Concussion movie starring Will Smith and Alec Baldwin is more timely than ever and continues to raise awareness and important concerns for many victims of this misunderstood condition. If you are, or know, an athlete or accident victim who has experienced a brain injury through concussion, then you know the impact it can have on health and quality of life. Headaches, neck pain, memory loss, and depression are just a few of the many symptoms that can occur. The severity can range from mild to severe.

Post Injury

Chiropractic care is an important part of the care that you receive immediately after a concussion injury occurs. Topics in Integrative Healthcare recently released a report regarding SRC (sports-related concussion) and the benefits of chiropractic care for the injury. “A short course of cervical manipulation (adjustments) and upper thoracic manipulation was suggested and applied.  The patient noted significant symptomatic relief after the second treatment and virtually complete resolution of symptoms after 5 visits performed over 2 weeks.” Unfortunately, there are a high number of young athletes who do not seek care. They experience longer periods of impairment and delay in their return to play.

There are many chiropractic techniques to help accelerate healing of a concussion injury. These techniques analyze how the brain is communicating with the body over the nervous system. They also make corrections to get the brain and body functioning better.

Neck Injury

An examination of the neck is extremely important for patients who suffer from concussions. If you have received a trauma that is hard enough to injure your head and brain, it’s likely to also have caused injury to the neck. Depending on the extent and severity of the injury, results vary for each person. Regardless, it is important to include chiropractic evaluation and adjustment protocols. Including them will ensure the possibility of optimal healing and return to normal function.

Each year, 1.6 – 3.8 million sports-related brain injuries occur, 136,000 of them in young athletes during high school sports 1. Traditional methods alone can limit the possibilities of healing and delay return to normal function.

If you or a loved one has had a concussion, schedule a time to get your spine and nervous system checked by a chiropractor. You will optimize its function to heal beginning today. Meanwhile, you also strengthen yourself in case of an emergency down the road. Find a 100 Year Lifestyle provider near you!




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