If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Innate Life Expectancy

Innate Life Expectancy


Your innate life expectancy is greater than you think. We see this longevity potential through the 100-year-old people who are celebrating birthdays, doing yoga, setting running records, and skydiving. You can also look around your neighborhood and notice the number of nursing homes, assisted living, and Alzheimer’s care centers that are popping up.

Consider these statistics:
  • The Pew Research Center predicts that the number of 100 year old people will increase by 800 percent between now and 2050.
  • An estimated 14% of boys and 19% of girls born today are expected to reach 100, projected to increase to 21% of boys and 27% of girls born in 2045.
  • By 2060, approximately 60 percent of girls born in the UK will live to be 100, according to Britain’s Office of National Statistics.
Innate Life Expectancy

People are living longer than ever because they are realizing their innate longevity potential, not because they are “adding years.” Unfortunately many of them are deteriorating in nursing homes unable to capitalize on their golden years. This does not have to be the case for you if you acknowledge your innate life expectancy and change the way you live.

Their plight has skewed our view of aging giving many of us unnecessary fear about the reality of our extended life span. It is not because of their age that these people are suffering. Their generation had no clue they were going to live so long. They were blindsided by their extended lives; many of them living 50 years longer than science expected. This generation didn’t know they were going to live this long so they didn’t know how to take care of themselves to ensure healthy aging.

The Journey

We are the first generation in history that is getting the advanced notice about our lifespan. Whether we like it or not we will probably live longer than we ever thought. Our generation must live differently. We must make 100 Year Lifestyle choices rather than waiting for a crisis and relying on a miracle.

From the moment you were conceived, you were blessed with the blueprints to be healthy to 80, 90, 100 years and beyond. There have even been some experts who have said that we have the potential to live 150 quality years.

More important than just living to 80, 90, or 100 years is getting there in style. That means with health and vitality and enjoying the journey. Change the way you live your life. Dive into the information, strategies, resources and Providers that are a part of the 100 Year Lifestyle. Enjoy a sensational century!



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