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Explaining Unexplainable Health Problems

Explaining Unexplainable Health Problems



Explaining unexplainable health problems may be simpler than expected. That is especially true when you consider how many times young children fall every day. Think about how often people consume unhealthy foods, drinks, over the counter and prescription drugs. How much stress you are under at work and at home. It is irrational to think that you can eliminate the cause of a problem by temporarily covering up the symptom with drugs.

Let’s start with falls as an example. According to Introduction to Infant Development, fourteen-month-old toddlers can fall an average of fifteen times per hour while playing, up to 100 times a day. These cumulative and repetitive bumps on the bottom can cause problems in the spine and nervous system.  This can include vertebral subluxations that alter development, posture, and the function of the nervous system. This nerve dysfunction can contributing to unexplainable health problems immediately and down the road.

Similar problems can be caused by birth trauma, poor sleep patterns, smart phones, and sports injuries, as well as chemical and emotional stress. Correcting the imbalances that are caused by these lifestyle issues can help the body heal itself. By healing itself it will function at higher levels, eliminating many unexplainable symptoms and health problems.

“Medically Unknown Symptoms” is a common term used to explain many unexplainable symptoms such as pain, irritable bowel, non-cardiac chest pain, and fibromyalgia for which there are no medical examination findings [Hatcher, S, Arrol B.  Assessment and management of medically unexplained symptoms. BMJ 2008; 336:1124]. Some studies have even found the prevalence of MUS to be in the range 25 to 75 % [Smith RC, Dwamena FC. Classification and diagnosis of patients with medically unexplained symptoms. J Gen Intern Med 2007; 22:685].

Explaining the Unexplainable

Just because these symptoms are unexplainable “medically,” doesn’t mean they are unexplainable!

The nervous system controls and coordinates the function of every cell, tissue and organ of the body. It adapts you to your environment. Injuries to a child’s spine and nervous system can be subtle and are often missed during traditional medical examinations. The symptoms can mimic the most common childhood diagnoses such as ear infections, colic, allergies, and growing pains. However, they can also lie dormant and asymptomatic for decades leading to decay and deterioration down the road.

While toddlers are young and flexible, the sheer quantity and variety of these microtraumas can injure the spine and nervous system causing uneven growth and developmental patterns that lead to lifelong problems and unhealthy aging. Chiropractic examinations can uniquely assess the health of your child’s spine and nervous system and, in many cases, explain the unexplainable. Every person should have one regardless of their age.

These important, non-invasive evaluations can determine alignment, locate inflammation and identify nervous system pressure, dysfunction, imbalance and interference that can affect a child’s health, development and emotions, as well as their ability to focus and function normally.

Immediate and long-term solutions to unexplainable health concerns may be more readily available than you think. If you are an adult with unexplainable health problems, chances are that your childhood may be catching up with you today.

Keeping your body functioning well and eliminating these underlying issues can help you avoid unexplainable health problems. This approach, as many of providers recommend, is the best, proactive approach, especially if you’re going to possibly live to 100.



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