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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Tag: Innate Intelligence


Lionhearted Mother

    Lionhearted Mother The fear of failure is a pressing issue, and when it is present, it weighs down every aspect of life. It

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A Prescription Drug Solution

      The high cost of prescription drug is often in the news and a major issue on many levels. Therefore, individuals, families, communities,

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Death by Pharmacy

    If you’ve been following The 100 Year Lifestyle for any period of time, then you already know that it’s your chiropractor who has

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100 Year Stories

Gloria Got a Tattoo

  When Gloria Weberg turned 100, what did she do to celebrate? She got a tattoo. Or, rather, another tattoo. The fact is, Gloria got

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Environment 100

Environmental Stress

    Major storms and extreme weather seem to be hitting at an accelerated rate. For those in the path of a hurricane or in

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100 Year Lifestyle Essentials

Longevity Industrial Complex

    There is a Longevity Industrial Complex forming in the world. In fact, it has been forming for many years. It is built around

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100 Year Lifestyle Essentials

Primary Care with a Natural Flair

.   100 Year Lifestyle chiropractors have been providing primary care with a natural flair to their communities for decades. However, many people still don’t

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The Polypharmacy Effect

The polypharmacy effect is bigger than you think; in fact, it is dangerous. Did you know, according to, that: Polypharmacy is responsible for a

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100 Year Stories

What is Aging, Really?

    What is aging, really? The commonly used definition of aging is the process of getting old. João Pedro De Magalhães, a senior lecturer

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Do You Believe in Miracles?

Some call the holidays the Season of Miracles. Do you believe in miracles? Have you personally experienced a miracle?  A national survey conducted in 2021,

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Freedom 100

Celebrate the Freedom

    Happy 4th of July! Every year at this time Americans come together to celebrate the freedom we enjoy. And especially to honor those

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The Hero and The Villain

If your personal journey lasted 80, 90 or 100 healthy years and beyond, who would be the hero of this story? If it did not,

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100 Year Lifestyle Essentials

The Interference Principle

  The Interference Principle brings a very important perspective to health, sickness, and disease. Therefore, it should be applied to the health care and lifestyle

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Lifestyle 100

We Are Not Just Lucky

What Is Luck? Luck, as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, is the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance

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Ultimate Health Care Technology

  The Ultimate Health Care Technology requires no batteries or electricity of any kind. It adapts to changes in weather, food intake, stress levels, and

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