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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Category: Longevity


Shhhh…Secrets and Longevity

  Most of us have a secret or two. Actually, the average person keeps 13 secrets according to psychologist Michael Slepian. You might think it’s

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100 Year Stories

84 Years of Letter Writing

  Pen pals Celesta Byrne and Geoff Banks celebrated their 100th birthdays with their first Zoom video call. They were also celebrating 84 years of

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100 Year Stories

Built to Move

    Opal Friesen jumps up and down on her trampoline every morning. In fact, that included the morning of her 100th birthday. She believes

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100 Year Stories

Busy Fingers

    “As long as our fingers remain busy in doing work, our mind will stay active and our body youthful and this is key

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100 Year Stories

Sunny Side of the Street

    According to Dr. Elliott Lasser, centenarian, most people know he lives on the sunny side of the street. And he’s not just talking

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100 Year Stories

Retired at 90

    Granddaughter Tamara Fleming recounted that her home was the last sale that Mary Witham made in her long career as a realtor. After

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100 Year Stories

Millie the Alpaca

    Who would have thought that Millie the alpaca would be the answer to 106-year-old Elma’s birthday wish? But that’s exactly what happened. Elma

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Essential, Effective, and Ethical

    As many people know, and 100 Year Lifestyle has written, Chiropractors were named part of the essential critical infrastructure workforce in an advisory

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100 Year Stories

5K Isn’t That Big a Deal

  “She does walk two or three miles a day so doing a 5K isn’t that big a deal,” said Chuck Roberts. Who was he

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100 Year Stories

Lots to See!

    “Don’t stop just because you’re getting older. There’s lots of places to go, lots of places to see, lots of places to experience.” Those

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100 Year Stories

Today’s Centenarians

  Unwavering, Relentless, and More Timely Than Ever Today’s centenarians are bewildered by their extended lives. They reached their milestone with no strategic plan or

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100 Year Stories


    Is being a granfluencer in your future? Have you even heard of granfluencers? Well, they are a growing wave of seniors (and centenarians)

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100 Year Stories

Another Year Sexier

    Mary Flip was the life of the party – her 101st birthday party to be specific. Wearing a pin that claimed “another year

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Maximizing Your Minutes

  Did you know that if you live to 100 you will live more than 50 million minutes? That’s 525,600 minutes every year. The 100

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Those Annoying Aches and Pains

Do you have any annoying “…aches?” Are they in your head, neck, back or stomach? How about your eyes, ears, nose and throat? How about

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100 Year Stories

You Do You!

    According to the Yale Grammatical Diversity Project,  the phrase “you do you” is typically identified with millennial culture and means “be yourself” or

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100 Year Stories

Racewalking Her Way to 100

    Champion athlete Heather Lee is racewalking her way to 100. This will-be centenarian is a 96-year-old with nine world records to her name

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Chronic Health Problems

Chronic health problems can affect your quality of life for decades. Whether they are musculoskeletal in nature affecting your back, neck, and limbs or they

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100 Year Stories

The Longevity Museum

    Have you ever heard of the Longevity Museum? It is a place…in  Lerik in southern Azerbaijan. Not an official Blue Zone, this part

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100 Year Stories

No Booze, Cigarettes, or Wild Women

    “No booze, cigarettes, or wild women” are three things 100-year-old Norman Johnson attributes to his longevity. As we know, everyone lives their 100

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100 Year Stories

A Multifaceted Man of Mystery

    When Judy first met Britt, she didn’t know a thing about him, except that they were neighbors. Fast forward, she married Eugene Britt

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100 Year Stories

Lots of Special Memories

    When you’re 102 years old and can make the statement that you’ve enjoyed just about everything you’ve ever done, well, you have lots

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100 Year Stories

A World Best

    What type of new hobby do you think you might pick up when you’re 73? And do you think that you’ll hold a

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100 Year Stories

A Body in Motion

    To paraphrase Newton’s First Law of Motion, a body in motion stays in motion. We all remember learning that in school. But how

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100 Year Stories

Otherwise Healthy

    When an otherwise healthy and energetic centenarian was bedridden for a month, his family became concerned. At 106, Sriram lead an active lifestyle

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100 Year Stories

100 Year Lifestyle in Action

    At the 100 Year Lifestyle we are always excited to share stories of centenarians who have lived – and are continuing to live

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100 Year Lifestyle Essentials

Longevity Industrial Complex

    There is a Longevity Industrial Complex forming in the world. In fact, it has been forming for many years. It is built around

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