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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Tag: chiropractic care


The Brain, Spine, and Gravity

    If you think that bodybuilders don’t need healthy brains and chess master’s don’t need strong spines, you’re wrong. In fact, in 1981, neurologist

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The Fine Print

    The trust Americans have in our government’s handling of our health care has long been a topic of conversation. It was before COVID,

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Chiropractic Care for Employees

  Understanding Dis-ease From Another Perspective Disease is not something to be feared, but rather understood as a natural adaptation to negative stress. Many people

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Breathing Easy?

    After a summer of record-setting wildfire smoke making its way to many US cities from Canada, air pollution is more of a topic

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A Must Read for Families

      It’s that time again. Kids are either back or heading back to school soon. The weather is going to be changing. And

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Trust in the Natural World

    Reclaiming ownership over ourselves and our place in the world is an exciting journey and a liberating path. Science is about understanding the

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Your Healthy Gut

    There is a lot of talk these days about having a healthy gut. And for good reason. The gut or gastrointestinal (GI) tract

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Health Care 100

Saunas Are a Hot Topic

  Saunas are a hot topic these days, and for good reason. They have been a part of Finnish culture for over 2,000 years. Finland

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Family 100

Get a Pet, Live Longer

    Get a pet, live longer. According to the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), it’s a fact. Not only do pets add life

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Super Depressing

  There is a link between antidepressant use and deadly “superbugs,” (defined as a strain of bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotic drugs) according

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Do You Believe in Miracles?

Some call the holidays the Season of Miracles. Do you believe in miracles? Have you personally experienced a miracle?  A national survey conducted in 2021,

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Happy Birthday Chiropractic Care!

Happy Birthday Chiropractic Care! On September 18, 1895, Harvey Lillard was the lucky recipient of the first chiropractic adjustment, given to him by Daniel David

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Mindfulness 100

Body Conscious or Health Conscious?

    Are you body conscious or health conscious? Unfortunately, too many people are concerned about how they look and not necessarily about their health. Perhaps

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Health Care 100

Stop Chasing Symptoms

    Isn’t it time you stop chasing symptoms? These signals that you get from your body are frequently misunderstood. More importantly, treating symptoms without

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