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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Author: 100 Year Lifestyle

100 Year Stories

Keep Curious

    Curiosity may have killed the cat but it could well be Peggy Cobb’s secret to her amazing longevity. She says curiosity is her

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100 Year Stories

A Life of Service

    Ester Wagner has spent her entire life doing for others. Whether in her work or as a volunteer, Ester doesn’t like to sit

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100 Year Stories

A Woman on a Mission

    Her name is Elsie Godo. It’s pronounced go-dough, but for her it’s more accurate to say go do. Elsie has been a woman

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100 Year Stories

Boogie Man

    Nick Kazuska is a boogie man. That’s boogie with an “ie,” not a “y.” At 104 he’s a talented musician who plays the

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Give it a Rest

    Fatigue is a common complaint among people of all ages these days. Even if you sleep well you might wake up feeling tired,

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Food & Recipes 100

Unveiling Lab-Grown Meat

    With its approval for sale in the US last November, lab-grown meat is being hailed in the mainstream media as a solution to global

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world recycling month
Environment 100

National Recycling Month

    Our planet’s health and well-being is currently being attacked. No, we aren’t talking about from aliens or some other life form. Unfortunately, humans

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Brain, Nervous System

Alzheimer’s Disease and Insights

    Alzheimer’s disease is, unfortunately, one of the most common ailments in the world. A whopping 6 million Americans are estimated to have this

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vegan holiday mean options
Food & Recipes 100

Vegan Holiday Dinner Options

Are you looking to try something new for the holidays this year? Turkeys, butter and other dairy products are so outdated–why not ditch them? This

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hand holding a tiny globe against mountains
Travel 100

Benefits of Travel

    As people age, it’s easy to get caught up in a complacent lifestyle. They tend to enjoy the quiet life that includes watching

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Change Your Life

10 Healthy Morning Routines

    How do you start your morning? Do you eat breakfast, or do you skip straight ahead to the coffee? Do you leap out

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The Vaping Epidemic
Health Care 100

The Vaping Epidemic

    While vaping and smoking e-cigarettes might have begun as a “healthier” alternative to smoking cigarettes, it’s created a huge epidemic for millennials and

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Detox Meals & Drinks

Fat Flush & Detox Salad

Don’t let the name fool you. This Fat Flush & Detox Salad is as delicious as it is good for you.  Make sure not to

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