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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Author: Dr. Eric Plasker

100 Year Stories

The Best Kind of Inheritance

    Forget about the family photos or summer home. The best kind of inheritance is the one that belongs to children of parents who

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100 Year Stories

100 Never Looked So Good

    Wearing a black baseball cap with the message, “100 Never Looked So Good,” Irwin Wertheimer celebrated his 100 birthday at one of his

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Servant Leadership at Work

  Losing yourself in service isn’t just for the time you spend away from work. Servant leadership at work has recently become a very popular

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100 Year Stories

Friendship Knows No Age

  Judy Gaman never thought she’d have a centenarian as a best friend. But as Judy found out, friendship knows no age. Lucille Fleming was

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100 Year Stories

I Love You

    “Our calls always end with ‘I love you,’” said Sam Goldstein. He’s sitting next to Violet Winter in his apartment as she smiles

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The Service Mindset

    All this month we have been looking at being of service and the many health and other benefits of doing so. However, being

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100 Year Stories

The Elders

    The Elders are an independent group of global leaders working together for peace, justice, and human rights. You may not heard of them

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The Best Way to Find Yourself

  The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. – Mahatma Gandhi   Find yourself, lose yourself, create

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100 Year Stories

Guiding Light

    Joe Smith, who just turned 100, has been working at the same firm for 57 years. His employer calls him the company’s guiding

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100 Year Stories

A New Century Starts

    One of American’s  most beloved television writers, Norman Lear, has turned 100! When asked by USA TODAY about the milestone he replied, “”I

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Service, Gratitude, and Longevity

    September is a month of service, gratitude, and—longevity. Surprised? Think about it. It is a month filled with holidays that recognize and celebrate

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100 Year Stories

105 and Counting

    Helen Marrese has a tradition. Every year on her birthday she says, “Maybe one more year.” This year she turned 105 and counting.

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100 Year Stories

Inspired by Amelia Earhart

    Anne Fiyalka was not the first young girl to be inspired by Amelia Earhart.  The aviator was one of the most famous women

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Environment 100

Forever Chemicals

    In the 1930’s, PFAS or forever chemicals, seemed like a great idea. Formally known as per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances, PFAS are a group of

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Environment 100

Declutter Your Life

    This month we’ve been looking at defining, redefining, and refining ourselves. You can’t go through that process without looking at the clutter you’ve

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100 Year Stories

Centenarian Cool

  Pete Rizzo, Uncle Pete, is a lot of things. According to his family, he’s the definition of centenarian cool. He’s a master of mindfulness.

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100 Year Stories

Lifelong Love Birds

    At The 100 Year Lifestyle we often speak about how strong relationships add life to your years and years to your life. They

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100 Year Stories

Leap of Faith

    For people of any age, going zip lining is a leap of faith! Some of us are willing to take the leap. Others

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Fitness and Nutrition 100

Just SAD

    No one can point to the exact moment when the phrase was first coined, but since the late 1970s when the Senate Select

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Fitness and Nutrition 100

Organic and Biodynamic

  Putting dinner (and breakfast and lunch) on the table these days takes some effort. There is certainly more fine print involved than there was

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Change Your Life

Define, Redefine, Refine

There is no such thing as an inconsequential choice. The choices we make every day are important. They matter, in both the short-term and the

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