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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Category: Performance 100


Build Habits Better

    A habit is defined as a settled or regular tendency or practice. Humans are described as creatures of habit. The reality is that

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Performance 100

What’s Your GAP?

    Your General Adaptive Potential (GAP) is how much capacity you have to live your life.  This means how fast you can run, how

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100 Year Stories

Tennis Anyone?

    Tennis anyone? At 100 Year Lifestyle we’ve long advocated fresh air, sunshine, and exercise as being key components to a long and healthy

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Performance 100

Why Recurring Injuries Recur

  Recurring injuries are annoying to athletes of all ages. They are also annoying to everyday people who want to enjoy the outdoors and recreational

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Performance 100

Get Your ESS in Shape

  Getting your ESS in Shape is important for your health, quality of life and longevity, so get moving. Regular exercise is an important part

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Performance 100

Get The Winning Edge

    This is an ultra-competitive world. College prep, job insecurity, sales targets, promotions, placement tests, parenting, sport performance, etc. Seeking an edge to succeed

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Performance 100

100% for 100 Years

    Wouldn’t it be great for you and your loved ones to function and perform at 100% for 100 years, your highest level throughout

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yoga in its many different forms
Performance 100

Yoga Trends You Must Try!

    Yoga is a fascinating practice. It is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India and

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Performance 100

Performance 100

    How would you like to perform at 100% for 100 years? If you enjoy running or CrossFit, would you want to stop because

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Performance 100

Exercise Motivation and YOU

    Since exercise is something that we all know is good for us, why isn’t everyone doing it? That’s the macro question people in

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Leadership 100

Handstand Happiness

    Passion is the hallmark of a life well-lived. In the case of Dr. Debra Bell, owner of Whole Family Chiropractic in Cary, NC,

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Performance 100

The Foundation of Flexibility

  A healthy spine and nervous system is the foundation of flexibility. For some, just getting to the gym constitutes going past their comfort zone. Modern

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Longevity and Performance

One of the biggest stories during Super Bowl 52 was the super longevity and performance of Tom Brady. He is redefining what is possible for

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Performance 100

Achieving Optimum Brain-Body Alignment

  Achieving optimum brain-body alignment creates a healthy connection that can influence your emotions, attitude, physical and spiritual wellness. This connection requires proper alignment of

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Performance 100

Finding Relief

At 14 years old I was diagnosed with scoliosis during a routine health screening at school. Throughout the years following, mid to low back pain

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