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If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Tag: centenarian

100 Year Stories

A Life of Service

    Ester Wagner has spent her entire life doing for others. Whether in her work or as a volunteer, Ester doesn’t like to sit

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100 Year Stories

A Woman on a Mission

    Her name is Elsie Godo. It’s pronounced go-dough, but for her it’s more accurate to say go do. Elsie has been a woman

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100 Year Stories

Positively Amazing

    Noreen Haygood celebrated her birthday at her women’s club where she’s been a member for 20 years. She turned 100. Noreen says that

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100 Year Stories

Bridge to Healthy Longevity

    Edna Segers doesn’t look anywhere near her age. She just turned 100. She’s physically active with a sharp mind and an obvious zest

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100 Year Stories


    The plane was a Spitfire, Britain’s best loved WWII aircraft, and it was flying to raise money for a charity. The pilot was

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100 Year Stories

One Day at a Time in Malta

    Mary Gauci is, by all accounts, amazing. She does her own grocery shopping, cooks fresh food every day, cleans her home, washes her

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dive in
100 Year Stories

Dive In

    Taghi Askari has never let anything keep him out of the water. At 100, he performed an exhibition dive at the 2024 World

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100 Year Stories

Boogie Man

    Nick Kazuska is a boogie man. That’s boogie with an “ie,” not a “y.” At 104 he’s a talented musician who plays the

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100 Year Stories

Full of Beans

    The expression “full of beans” refers to someone having lots of energy and enthusiasm. In the case of Helena Pereira dos Santos, the

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100 Year Stories

Still Going Strong

    At 100, Bea Baker looks and acts like someone half her age. She’s still going strong, with no plans on stopping.  She just

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100 Year Stories

Endless Possibilities

    Evelyn Brandt Thomas has spent her life and is still today proving that age is just a mindset and that life is filled

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100 Year Stories

Lifting Weights and Spirits

    Bess Lampson is a regular at her local gym. Despite her age, 100, she shows up and does the work, giving 100%. Everyone

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100 Year Stories

Defying Expectations

    Daphne Mingard earned the nickname Tuppence or Tups at a young age. To the British, a tuppence is two pennies. Someone who is

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100 Year Stories

103 and Still Running

    He’s a super athlete by any standard. Sawang Chanpram just returned from the 22nd Asian Masters Athletics Championships in the Philippines with 4

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100 Year Stories

In a League of Her Own

    Grace Malloy has been engaging in her favorite pastime since 1955. She took up bowling at the age of 32. Now, at 100,

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100 Year Stories

The Centenarian Next Door

    Picture this. You’re a well known, popular singer (Rachel Platten) out walking your dog during COVID. Your beloved pooch does his business on

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100 Year Stories

Third Generation Centenarian

    Ken Turner doesn’t see turning 100 as being unique. He’s actually a third generation centenarian, reaching the milestone like both his father and

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100 Year Stories

Each Year Better Than the Last

    If you ask 100-year-old Dorothy (Dottie) Iverson to pick a favorite year of her life, she’ll tell you she can’t. According to her,

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100 Year Stories

Still Working at 100

    Thelma Coyd-Cording is still working at 100, and doesn’t have any plans to retire. She’s a beautician who loves what she’s doing, has

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100 Year Stories

On His Way

  Joe Delfausse isn’t a centenarian, yet. But he’s well on his way. While he’s only 82, he’s clearly living his 100 Year Lifestyle. He’s

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100 Year Stories

Not Close to Shooting His Age

    Avid golfers often talk about shooting their age. If you score at or below your age for ideally 18 holes – that’s impressive!

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100 Year Stories

Flying High

    John Hartness has been flying high since he was 16 years old. So, it’s no wonder that he took to the sky to

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100 Year Stories

Colette’s Secrets

    Colette Maze is a 109-year-old French pianist. Not was, is. She plays passionately and well, and Debussy no less. Debussy is known as

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100 Year Stories

An Old Friend

    He’s being referred to as a “veteran U.S. diplomat” and an “old friend” of the Chinese. They are talking about how Henry Kissinger

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100 Year Stories

Just Go Ahead and Do It

    Dorothy Pointer is living her life today pretty much the same way she always has. According to Dorothy, “If I feel like doing

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100 Year Stories

High Stakes World of Poker

    In the high stakes world of poker, Chris Moneymaker is considered the man to beat. However, at the Palm Beach Kennel Club annual

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100 Year Stories

As Independent as Ever

  Vincent Dransfield drives himself when he runs his errands. He cooks for himself, does his own chores, and walks between the basement, first, and

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100 Year Stories

His First 100

    Joe Laird is a cool guy with an amazing sense of humor. Turning 100 hasn’t changed any of that. Joe says he’s celebrating

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