If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?


Human Potential Geek Dr. Josh Handt
Trains for 100 Mile Challenge

Dr Eric Plasker interviews Dr. Josh Handt of Lifestyle Locker Podcast and New York Chiropractic Life Center.

In this episode Dr. Plasker interviews Dr. Josh Handt as he preps for his 100 mile race, and he’s “not a runner”. We discuss human potential, explore possibilities and strategies to be your best you today that are also sustainable over the course of a lifetime.

Dr. Josh is a founder of the Lifestyle Locker Podcast and co-owner of New York Chiropractic Life Center, a 100 Year Lifestyle Affliate office located on the upper west side of Manhattan. http://www.newyorkchiropractic.com.

I have personally know the Handt family for decades and they’re commitment to helping people break through to higher levels of health has been a staple in New York City for over 40 years when dad, Dr. Jay Handt, founded their practice.

You will be surprised by some of Dr. Josh’s comments while also being inspired to go after your dreams and fulfill your potential.


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