If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?


The Forgiveness Effect with Lou Samara

The Forgiveness Effect is a life-changing principle that Lou Samara communicates authentically. His story will inspire you to let go and live.

I first met Lou when he came to our office as a new practice member. He was referred to us by Dr. Jason Baum, one of our 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliates from Morristown, NJ. I was immediately impressed by his unique combination of authenticity and successful stature. We bonded.

During this interview, I ask Lou some very bold and direct questions about forgiveness. He was surprised at my questions, and I was blown away by his answers.

If you are holding on to anything from your past, or you feel like you have something that is in the way of you moving forward in your life, this interview may just be the breakthrough you are hoping for.


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