If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Rethinking Ambition

Rethinking Ambition



As we gear up for another New Year, many people are using this time in part to reflect on their professional lives. During this holiday time spent with loved ones, many are finding themselves questioning whether they want to spend as much of their time focusing on work as they have been. Actually, almost half of the American workforce is currently re-examining long-held ideas of success and rethinking ambition. 


In a global survey, Randstad, a global human-resources consultancy, found that 42% of the respondents in the U.S. don’t want a promotion. Why? Because they are happy with their current jobs. In other countries known for a more relaxed attitude toward work, like Spain, that number was higher.

To further prove that point, a young man posting on TikTok caught the attention of thousands of people who agreed with his decision to “descend the corporate ladder.” Aaron Flarin obviously touched a nerve when he stated, “Some people want to be a manager, and that’s OK. Everyone deserves the opportunity to get chewed out by the CEO directly.” Of the thousands of responses his video got, they were overwhelmingly in agreement. 

Recent Shifts

For many, a position of leadership, an increase in pay, and the proverbial corner office no longer hold the allure they once did. Perhaps we should be thanking the life disrupting pandemic for showing us that there is another way. Suddenly, work options we would never have considered or had available as options were thrust upon us. 

As a result, people that are now working from home, job sharing, or have other flexible work situations are enjoying spending more time with family. They are engaging in long-forgotten hobbies and having the opportunity to pursue new passions. It is a lot to give up. For many, now that a real life-work balance has been experienced, there is no going back. 

People are actually seeing that life outside of the office can be more fulfilling and rewarding than life inside the office. And, if you are enjoying your current job, then you might want to reconsider the benefits of leaving it behind. 

Greater responsibility is something many of us have been conditioned to want. Stress, endless striving, and all the hours that greater responsibility requires aren’t always worth the titles, perks, and raises. 

American Work Ethic

Most of us in the workforce today can’t remember a time when ambition wasn’t the very foundation of the American work ethic. Both at home and in school we learned that you work hard to get ahead. 

But by the time Gen Z (born between 1997 – 2012) arrived on the work scene, this foundation was already shaky. People had begun to scrutinize the relationship between satisfaction and sacrifice. The new realization was that it’s okay to have your work lives resonate with your personal values, not only with the company’s values.  


As for the future, it appears that many people are making the shift towards creating their ideal 100 Year LifestyleⓇ. How so? They are resetting their priorities towards a more balanced life, including meaningful work. Rather than stepping back from being engaged, they are redefining their work, which for many means working past the current age of retirement and actually contributing more. 

So the end result isn’t that Americans are abandoning our work ethic or our ambition. Instead we are redefining it to include our health, relationships, and things that bring us joy. That’s the very basis of The 100 Year LifestyleⓇ.

Does your future hold meaningful work and a healthy lifespan that allows you to contribute for many years to come? If that’s your true ambition, then it’s time to commit to taking care of your spine and nervous system. There’s a 100 Year LifestyleⓇ provider excited to help you create this future every day of the New Year and for every New Year to come! Make the call today!



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